On Sat, 2003-08-30 at 19:11, Norberto BENSA wrote:
> Larry Augschöll wrote:
> > try this:
> > rc-update add vmware default
> >
> > this should load the vmware modules at start up
> >
> Hmmmm 
> 02:47:13 up 3 days,  2:39,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.14, 0.45
>          ^^^^^^^^^
> Does that tell you something? Like I don't "restart" that often? :-)
> Anyway. I _know_ how to load modules thru modprobe/insmod, the thing is vmware 
> 4.0.1 seems broken or something 'cos after creating a virtual machine, any 
> attempt to run it will crash vmware. Dunno, I guess I'll build a new box from 
> spare pieces.
strange, I've been using Vmware 4.0.1 (build-5289) on Gentoo and it
works fine..


> Thanks for your reply!
> Norberto

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