On Sun, 31 Aug 2003 22:11:27 +0000, Chris Spencer wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>I have been trying in vain to get BitchX to work but for the life of
>me I
>can't get it to connect to a server.
>No matter how I configure it, when I run BitchX it tries to connect
>to my
>specified servers, waits about 1 second, disconnects, and then moves
>on to
>the next server. It never actually makes a connection - it just
>tries and
>retries endlessly.
>I have tried specifying ports. I have tried three different methods
>specifying the server. I have tried downloading and compiling the
>source from
>the bitchx.org web site - all with the same results. I have turned
>down my
>compiler optimizations as suggested in the BitchX faq and still
>I can connect just fine with all my other irc tools, just not
>BitchX. Anyone
>seen this problem before and have any suggestions? Thanks...
>- -Chris
>Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

I personally haven't seen this before. I am sure you have tried to
connect using /server irc.freenode.net, for example. Does that fail
to connect also?I don't think that unmerging and reemerging BitchX
will help but It's worth a try. Sorry ,l don't think this helps you
much, but be patient, someone will know.


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