On 2003.09.04 11:45, Collins Richey wrote:
On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 12:14:49 +0200
Ulrich Plate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Chris wrote:
> > Is there anything you think I should know about puting together a
> > Triple Boot Sys Using Win XP, Gentoo and FreeBSD befor I get
> > started?
> You may find the page about my triple-boot Vaio helpful in that
> respect:
> http://www2.gol.com/users/plate/pcgr505rgk.html

The only real gotcha is: install the Windows partition first (after
any repartitioning) since Windows always overwrites the MBR which
render anything you had setup to boot from lilo or grub unusable.
Otherwise, if Windows is installed later, you'll need a rescue disk to
restore the operation of lilo/grub.

I like how normally we would refer to these as boot disks, but when windows overwrites your mbr they become rescue disks.

Your trusty gentoo live cd will work (or knoppix, slackware-live, morphix, whatever). Just do the mounting of partitions like you did in the install, chroot, and reinstall grub (or run lilo).

As a matter of fact, that may be too complex, but I was being safe. You might not even need to do the bind mounts and chroot, you should be able to just call the full path to grub on your hard disk (lilo might want to find /etc/lilo.conf however)


Chris I

Greener's Law:
        Never argue with a man who buys ink by the barrel.

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