On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 08:01, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> # Can I combine the following two lines in any way?
> # $mail_body = @$mail->body(); does not work.
> $mail_body_ref = $mail->body();
> @mail_body = @$mail_body_ref;

@{$mail->body()} works here. If you want, you can also use
foreach(@{$mail->body(}) below.

> @body_text = split("\n", join(" ", @body_text));
> @ntfy_mail = ("Date:   $msg_date",
>               "From:   $msg_from",
>               "Subject:$msg_subj",
>               "\n");
> # Can I combine this into one line? Can I combine it with the above?
> for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
>     @ntfy_mail = (@ntfy_mail, "@body_text[$i]\n");
> }

Since you only want 20 lines you can use @body_text[0 .. 19] in the
join. If you want to reduce everything to a few lines, you can use a
second join to add the newlines:

$text = join("\n", split("\n", join(" ", @body_text[0 .. 19])));

or use map to keep the result as an array:

@body_text = map { $_ ."\n" } split( <same as above> );

Good luck,


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