On 2003.09.07 19:46, Chris wrote:
for some reason i cant mount the cdrom when in my usr acount.

Put "user" in the options column in the line representing your cdrom in "/etc/fstab". this is what mine looks like (this is supposed to be one line:

/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/cd /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,ro, user 0 0

yours would probably say /dev/cdrom or something instead of the long one mine does.

Plus when i put in a music cd it plays but no sound yet this thing makes more than enough noise with the system notifications. Any ideas?

Your cdrom sound channel is either muted or you lack an audio cable between your cdrom and sound card. If the second is the case (or maybe do this anyway) look into using the xmms-cdread plugin (if you're using xmms), that is. It reads the data from the cd and plays the sound through your regular wave device (same as mp3s would use when played).


Chris I

Girls who throw themselves at men, are actually taking very careful aim.

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