On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 16:16:50 +0200
Frank Reich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello.
> For a friend of mine I ask you for help on a Gentoo-install on an old
> computer. I already tried in alt.os.linux.gentoo, but the answer(s) 
> didn't help.
> The problem is this:
> Hardware: Pentium 120 with Intel FX chipset
> Distribution: Gentoo 1.4
> The Gentoo-boot-CD boots successful. When checking for PCI-bus the
> correct chipset is detected and the PIIX-driver is loaded.
> But when building the kernel (PIIX-chipset-driver compiled into kernel)
> the (very same) chipset-detection ends in a kernel panic!
> My friend tried following options for "PCI Access Mode": "BIOS" and
> "ANY" - but neither works. Instead the error message is:
> <snip>

That board surely don't have ACPI, but, try adding these at boot in the
kenel commandline:


you can switch the PCI Access Mode by kernel commandline rather 
than recompiling the whole kernel.
> THX4help,
> Frank.
> --
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