are the the priv on the remote/local machine good
on the local:
mine are rw-------

on the remote
rw-------  authorized_keys

Protocol 2
HostKey /usr/local/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile      .ssh/authorized_keys
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
X11Forwarding yes

This you you can only login with a key on the remote machine 


On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 19:46:41 +0200
"Matthias F. Brandstetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I followed three different "howtos" found on google, all saying the 
> same, followed them step by step but still no luck :(
> I want to login from machine "local" to machine "remote" w/o giving a 
> pwd. So I did a
> $ ssh-keygen -t rsa
> on "local" and copied /root/.ssh/ --> 
> remote:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
> But that did not the trick! So I tried it with authorized_keys2 -- 
> still nothing. So I tried it with .ssh2 as dir -- still no luck :(
> Has anybody another idea? Do I miss something?
> Greets, Matthias
> -- 
> Flanders!  My socks feel dirty!  Gimme some water to wash 'em!
>               -- Homer Simpson
>                  Boy-Scoutz n the Hood
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