On 09/09/03  Susie wrote:

> I decided to stop using exim so I unmerged that and fetchmail and used
> "rc-update del exim" wich went fine.  I did the same for cups and
> switched to pdq.  As well as just plain took out openssh.  Now I'm
> getting weird depends for things even after fixing my user flags in
> make.conf(I altered it to"-" any exim and cups)  I also ran updatedb.
> On 'emerge -puDv world" I get the following:
> Calculating world dependencies ...done!
> [ebuild  N    ] net-misc/openssh-3.6.1_p2  -ipv6 -static +pam +tcpd
> -kerberos -selinux 
> [ebuild  N    ] net-mail/ssmtp-2.48  
> [ebuild  N    ] net-print/cups-1.1.19-r1  +ssl -slp +pam 

openssh is part of the system profile, it's not easy to get rid of these
packages. You either have to make your own profile or inject openssh if
you really don't want it installed (you don't need to have it started).

ssmtp is the default MTA, so if you don't have another MTA installed
that fulfills hte virtual/mta dependency of some system packages (eg.
cron) it will get installed.

Not sure about the cups thing, maybe it's the same issue as with ssmtp.
In both cases check your /var/cache/edb/virtuals file.


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