On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Mike Bellemare wrote:

> I'm about to loose my boot sector because of a re-installation of a certain OS
> and was wondering the steps to get it back with the live CD(which i've heard
> that could be used as a boot disk).
> Do I have to mount everything and chroot in my hd system or i can perform it only
> by mounting /boot (/dev/hda1) to use my grub.conf file and do the grub-install 
> /dev/hda from 
> the live CD?
If you didn't lose it yet, you might preserve it with dd, let the O$ do its worst and 
then copy the preserved data back where it belongs.
dd if=/dev/hda of=/root/mybootsector bs=512 count=1
This should work if the O$ is to be re-installed into the same partition as before.
I've done it before and don't recall having any problems; never understood about the 
"System.map", though. Maybe someone can give some more input.
Jorge Almeida

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