It works and it is great ! :-)
That is exactly what I was looking for.
Thanx you for your assistance

Am Freitag, 12. September 2003 18:32 schrieb Marshal Newrock:
> On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, momesana wrote:
> > Does anybody know how to set colors on the terminals?
> > I don't mean the colors associated with the ls command which can be
> > realized by the entry alias="ls --color" in ./bashrc or ./profile but
> > rather a way to controll how output to the console looks like. I need
> > this because I want to make shellscripts that output something on screen
> > look better (just like emerge :-) ).
> > I have tried:
> > setterm -foreground ... -background ...
> > but it wouldn't work.
> > The only thing that works is setterm -bold under X and setterm
> > -reversescreen under the ordinary shells (without X).
> What you want is ANSI escape sequences.  The best source for that I've
> seen is the bash prompt howto:
> If you have a mail reader capable of interpreting ANSI codes, I wouldn't
> be able to show you here, but I can tell you the following:
> You must use 'echo -e' or echo won't interpret it.
> The code just needs to start with \0... (the \[ before that in the
> examples is just for putting a [ at the beginning of the prompt).
> Happy coloring.  :)

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