
On Saturday 13 September 2003 20:25, Axel Gerster wrote:
> I've installed ALSA as described on several HOWTOs. And everything went
> so far fine. The drivers are running, but still no sound comes out of
> the box.
> It's like the sound is muted. But I turned with amixer the things on.
> Has anyone an idea how to fix this? In spite of my intense search of
> the Internet, I was not able to find a solution.

I know that it is muted by default for 2.6, don't know for 2.4
did you try alsamixer? 
when you have your sound configured, you can put this in your rc-scripts:

on boot (/etc/conf.d/local.start):              alsactl restore
on shutdown (/etc/conf.d/local):                alsactl store

Good luck,


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