I got the Gentoo 1.4 disks via snail mail, and installed as nearly by the book 
as I could.  I only have dialup ppp, so installing much of the system from CD 
saves both time and telkom cost.  The emerge system works beautifully if I 
start the ppp.  But the instructions say that you should be able to install 
from the CDs, or from files copied from the CDs.  The example they give is:
        # USE='bindist" emerge -k xfree
But I can't get this to work.  I've looked at man page, portage manual, etc,
but I must be missing something.  Here's actual console output:
        asterix:packages> ls xfree*
        asterix:packages> export PKGDIR=$PWD
        asterix:packages> echo $PKGDIR
        asterix:packages> USE="bindist" emerge -K xfree
        Calculating dependencies
        !!! There are no packages available to satisfy: "xfree"
        !!! Either add a suitable binary package or compile from an ebuild.
        !!! Error calculating dependencies. Please correct.
        asterix:packages> USE="bindist" emerge -K xfree-4.3.0-r2.tbz2
        Calculating dependencies ...done!
        >>> emerge (1 of 1) x11-base/xfree-4.3.0-r2 to /
        !!! CATEGORY info missing from info chunk, aborting...
I've googled for "CATEGORY info missing from info chunk", to no avail.
Can you gentoo boffins direct me?
Bob Barry

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