Can anyone help me resolve this problem:
revdep-rebuild fails and I cannot figure out what to do.

I should comment that I have, in the past, installed both cups and lprng
(perhaps even forcing it with --nodeps). Anyway, here is the error

# revdep-rebuild -- -p

Checking reverse dependencies...
Packages containing binaries and libraries broken by any package update,
will be recompiled.

Collecting system binaries and libraries... using existing /root/.revdep-rebuild.1_files.

Collecting complete LD_LIBRARY_PATH... using existing /root/.revdep-rebuild.2_ldpath.

Checking dynamic linking consistency... using existing /root/.revdep-rebuild.3_rebuild.

Assigning files to ebuilds... using existing /root/.revdep-rebuild.4_ebuilds.

Evaluating package order... using existing /root/.revdep-rebuild.5_order.

All prepared. Starting rebuild...
emerge --oneshot --nodeps -p =media-gfx/gimp-print-4.2.5

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies
emerge: there are no masked or unmasked ebuilds to satisfy "=media-gfx/gimp-print-4.2.5".

!!! Error calculating dependencies. Please correct.

Result is not OK, you have following chances:
- if emerge failed during build, fix the problems and re-run revdep-rebuild
- use -X or --package-names as first argument (try to rebuild package, not exact ebuild - ignores SLOT!)
- set ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~<your platform>" and/or /etc/portage/package.unmask
(and remove /root/.revdep-rebuild.5_order to be evaluated again)
- modify the above emerge command and run it manually
- compile or unmerge unsatisfied packages manually, remove temporary files and
try again (you can edit package/ebuild list first)

To remove temporary files, please run:
rm /root/.revdep-rebuild*.?_*

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