On Thursday 18 September 2003 00:08, Ian Tindale wrote:
> On Wednesday 17 September 2003 3:50 pm, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> > On Wednesday 17 September 2003 21:27, Joshua Banks wrote:
> > > LOL......
> > >
> > > Do I need to be a computer programmer now to figure out what files I
> > > can update safely and which ones I should ignore, keep,
> > > throw-out...ect.ect..????
> >
> > You don't need to be a programmer at all - that's much harder. What you
> > do need is to be comfortable with config files; there's no other way to
> > survive with Gentoo at the moment and possibly not in the future either.
> > Textual config files are the heart of GNU software and most *NIX
> > software.
> However, it's got to be said that because of etc-update's tendency to show
> you both what are obviously config files as well as what are obviously
> computer programs, there's a demarcation that would be beneficial to
> implement in future versions. Most of what whizzes past in etc-update is
> some form of computer program, I've noticed, and I really don't think it
> should expect me to be reprogramming some arcane part of the system,
> whereas a config file, such as fstab, make.conf or rc.conf is my
> responsibility because I altered it in the first place.

I haven't seen anything that "are obviously a computer programs". The closest 
I've seen is /etc/postfix/saslpass.db which is a binary file - but not a 
program. Other than that, everything has been a standard textual config file. 
The most programming-like config file I know of is sendmail.cf but even that 
provides sendmail.mc to help you automatically configure it. If you can point 
me to a config file that seems to be a computer program, I'd be very 

> I'm just growing out of the phase where I'd let etc-update do everything
> for me, and then take the remaining two weeks to get my system back up
> running. Now, etc-update isn't such an ordeal. The interactive merging
> thing never works, though, so I keep copies of the whole system on another
> drive, and derive the old un-updated config information from that. The
> computer programs themselves aren't my concern, so I let etc-update just do
> everything, but take note of what it updates. If I recognise it, then I'll
> copy the original back as soon as etc-update finishes. That's the best way
> of doing it.

Personally, I think that's the worst way of doing it; there's too much chance 
of human error. If you can't or don't like to use the interactive update that 
etc-update provides, you're better to update by hand as you're doing but 
doing it before overwriting everything with etc-update. i.e. instead of 
merging /etc/make.conf with /oldconfig/make.conf, merge /etc/make.conf with /
etc/._cfg0000_make.conf and then delete ._cfg0000_make.conf. After you've 
updated all your interesting files and deleted the "new" versions, you can 
then (usually but not always) safely use etc-update to overwrite any other 
config files.


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