
On Thursday 25 September 2003 02:39, Robert E. Raymond wrote:
> Just Linux related, not Gentoo really, but:
> A class I'm taking requires that my PDF viewer be able to view comments
> that the instructor places inside the PDF file.  Acrobat Reader 6 in
> Windows works just fine at viewing these comments (which appear usually
> as tooltips when I hover over them, or highlighted areas), but nothing
> in Linux (I've tried XPDF, Gnome PDF viewer, and kghostview, which show
> the PDF as it would look with zero comments, i.e. how I sent a PDF to
> them that I created from a LaTeX file, and also acrobat reader 5.08,
> which shows yellow highlighting with no text underneath and also won't
> show any of the tooltip type comments).
> Does anyone know of a viewer in Linux that supports these comments, or
> should I emerge wine and see if Acrobat Reader 6 works under that?

I didn't have anything to do right now so I checked out the new PDF reference, 
version 1.5, which is the format Acrobat 6.0 would use (Acrobat 5 used 
PDF-1.4, Acrobat 4 used PDF-1.3 and so on). And it says that a new annotation 
flag (it's called ToggleNoView) was introduced with PDF-1.5:
A typical use is to have an annotation that appears only when a mouse cursor 
is held over it.
So for this to work you'll need a PDF-1.5 compliant reader and the only one I 
know about is acrobat reader 6.0 which is at the moment only available for 

However, what I find interesting is that you are able to read the files with 
your linux tools just fine although they understand PDFs only up to the 
version 1.4. It means that either they ignore the version tag of the PDF (the 
first eight bytes = "%PDF-1.5") or that adobe tools create non-compliant 
files which are v1.4 but use features from v1.5. Also PDF-1.5 has better 
compression so that PDF-1.4 compliant apps cannot read them.

Long story short, I couldn't find anything PDF-1.5 compliant except Acrobat 
Reader 6.0 which is not available for linux yet.

Hope that sheds some light on the problem.


P.S. Could you check out the version of your PDFs? Do a "head -c8 <file.pdf>". 
Just curious.

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