On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Fellipe wrote:

> Hi all,
> I got a syslog-ng log daemon on my Gentoo 1.4 and my network interface (eth2) got an 
> error:
> # tail messages
> --------- /var/log/messages ---------
> Sep 25 08:50:26 dvfw eth2: PCI Bus error 2290.
> Sep 25 08:50:26 dvfw eth2: PCI Bus error 1290.
> Sep 25 08:50:26 dvfw eth2: PCI Bus error 2290.
> its dont stop and my log file insane!!!
> I need filter it to a other file like /dev/null, any idea is appreciate!

First, I'd say this indicates a hardware problem.  Move the card to a
different slot.  If that doesn't stop the errors, replace the card.  While
you can always get rid of noises in the car by turning the stereo up, it's
not necessarily the best idea.

That said, the following would let you can the errors:
filter drop_eth2_errors { match("eth2: PCI Bus error"); };
destination null { file("/dev/null"); };
log { source(src); filter(drop_eth2_errors); destination(null);
flags(final); };

If you don't have 'flags(final)' then it will continue processing after
it delivers to /dev/null, and deliver to /var/log/messages.

The manpage for syslog-ng.conf doesn't have much information, but the
manual at /usr/share/doc/syslog-ng*/html/book1.html has all you need to

Marshal Newrock, unemployed Linux user in Lansing, MI
Caution: Product will be hot after heating

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