I usually use "emerge -ep world" and put the list of packages (without the 
version numbers) generated in a file called pkgs. I then use the following 
when rebuilding:

for i in `cat pkgs`; do emerge --one-shot $i && (grep -v $i pkgs > pkgs2; mv 
pkgs2 pkgs) done

That way you will have a list of any packages that fail to compile for some 
reason and a way to restart if it needs to be stopped for any reason.

isnt there an order to the packages? like you have to build the glibc first? doesnt every program get linked with it? or gcc do make the rest go faster? if not your trick is great: on another machine i had to do everything from scratch 3 times since something would happen in the middle of it and i didnt know how far it got.

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