> The verbiage about gentoo CD sets includes "packages optimized
> for <x> platform". My assumption is that this means chiefly the
> kernel. Is that correct, or are other optimzations also
> involved?
There are other optomizations involved also. The platform specific cd include 
packages such as gcc which have been compile for the Athlon XP. The kernel 
its self is not at all optomized and has to be compiled by you.

> I further assume I could get any of the x86-compatible CD sets
> and compile optimized kernels for whatever platform (in which
> case it seems reasonable to get the Athlon XP set). Is this
> correct as well?
For the mixture of machines that you have i would suggest the base cd, and if 
u wanted to save time could download the platform optimized stages from the 
internet as needed.

> I'm an experienced Linux user, but not a kernal compilation
> whiz, so am looking at "what's easiest" as compared to "what's
> best".
When i switched to gentoo i was also not all that experienced in kernel 
complation, but you learn really quickly. I would suggest that you make note 
of your hardware now and check your redhat kernel for its configuration. On a 
side note you could save your redhat kernel config file and then use it to 
compile the redhat sources, which are available in portage.

Happy switching

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