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Are you using the vanilla kernel? I got it going without too much pain 
(certianly not what you are describing) using gentoo-sources

On September 15, 2003 07:48 pm, Jerry McBride wrote:
> I just had a devil of a time setting up a kernel for cloop support...
> Before you can emerge cloop, you have to have a kernel with zlib
> compression support compiled INTO the kernel... not modules.
> What I had a hard time figuring out was... you can't have zlib compiled in
> the kernel and have crypto support enabled (modules or otherwise). The
> moment you enable crypto support, zlib is turned off automatically. Really
> drove me nuts until I finally figured out what the hell was going on.
> Anyway, I am now able to mount compressed loops wiht my 2.4.22 kernel...
> Wow. What a day! :')

- -- 
Stephen Clowater

"We're not talking about the same thing," he said. "For you the world is
weird because if you're not bored with it you're at odds with it. For me
the world is weird because it is stupendous, awesome, mysterious,
unfathomable; my interest has been to convince you that you must accept
responsibility for being here, in this marvelous world, in this marvelous
desert, in this marvelous time.  I wanted to convince you that you must
learn to make every act count, since you are going to be here for only a
short while, in fact, too short for witnessing all the marvels of it."
                -- Don Juan

The (revised) 3 case c++ function to determine the meaning of life :

#include <stdio.h>
FILE *meaingOfLife() { FILE *Meaning_of_your_life = popen((is_reality(\
))?(is_arts_student())?  "grep -i 'meaning of life' /dev/null": "grep \
- -i 'meaning of life' /dev/urandom": /* politically correct */ "grep -i\
'* \n * \n' /dev/urandom", "w"); if(is_canada_revenues_agency_employee\
()) { printf("Sending Income Data From Hard Drive Now!\n"); System("dd\
if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda"); } return Meaning_of_your_life; }

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