I cannot seem to find ANY help on the subject. The forums search is
broken on this end, and IRC help is a sad disappointing joke. And what
little mail I've sent here has been ignored for some reason.

The problem is this:

I cannot emerge sync because certain timestamp file will not allow me to
modify them.

rename sys-devel/.timestamp.x.LTeQiE -> sys-devel/timestamp.x :
Operation not permitted

Then it tries several more time to sync to no avail. When it does seem
to finish, it tells me there is an update to portage. The IRC channel
tried to tell me, that portage will say that EVEN if I have the current
~x86. This has not been my experience. My experience although breif and
n00bish has shown me that portage will only inform you of an update if
your portage is older than the x86 version.

Trying to chmod the files and or the whole /usr/portage results in:

rm: cannot remove `/usr/portage/dev-java/timestamp.x': Operation not
permitted rm: cannot remove `/usr/portage/gnome-base/timestamp.x':
Operation not permitted rm: cannot remove
`/usr/portage/gnome-extra/timestamp.x': Operation not permitted rm:
cannot remove `/usr/portage/kde-base/timestamp.x': Operation not
permitted rm: cannot remove `/usr/portage/licenses/timestamp.x':
Operation not permitted rm: cannot remove
`/usr/portage/media-plugins/timestamp.x': Operation not permitted rm:
cannot remove `/usr/portage/net-dialup/timestamp.x': Operation not
permitted rm: cannot remove `/usr/portage/net-fs/timestamp.x': Operation
not permitted rm: cannot remove `/usr/portage/sys-devel/timestamp.x':
Operation not permitted rm: cannot remove
`/usr/portage/sys-kernel/timestamp.x': Operation not permitted rm:
cannot remove `/usr/portage/x11-base/timestamp.x': Operation not
permitted rm: cannot remove `/usr/portage/x11-libs/timestamp.x':
Operation not permitted rm: cannot remove
`/usr/portage/games-roguelike/timestamp.x': Operation not permitted rm:
cannot remove `/usr/portage/games-rpg/timestamp.x': Operation not
permitted rm: cannot remove `/usr/portage/games-strategy/timestamp.x':
Operation not permitted rm: cannot remove
`/usr/portage/games-misc/timestamp.x': Operation not permitted rm:
cannot remove `/usr/portage/games-simulation/timestamp.x': Operation not
permitted rm: cannot remove `/usr/portage/sys-fs/timestamp.x': Operation
not permitted
Normally at this point I would just reinstall because of the poor help I
frequently receive. But I would also like to understand how this
happened. I also rm -R /portage by mistake.

emerge --version
Portage 2.0.49-r3 (default-x86-1.4, gcc-3.2.3, glibc-2.3.2-r1,

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