On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 05:08:31PM -0300, Norberto Bensa wrote:
Content-Description: signed data
> $ qpkg -I -v psmisc
> sys-apps/psmisc-21.2-r4 *
> $ ps ax | grep licq
>  1766 ?        S      0:00 licq -b .licq/110511111
>  1767 ?        S      0:00 licq -b .licq/110511111
>  1787 ?        S      0:00 licq -b .licq/110511111
>  1788 ?        S      0:00 licq -b .licq/110511111
>  1789 ?        S      0:02 licq -b .licq/110511111
>  8162 pts/4    R      0:00 grep licq
> $ killall licq
> licq: no process killed

I can't tell from your output, but the licq process must be owned
by the same user that is running killall.  Also, sometimes
processes are stubborn.  When you run "killall licq" what you are
running is "killall -TERM licq", because SIGTERM is the default
signal it sends if you don't specify one.

A more forceful signal is SIGKILL, which you can send these
processes by running:

    $ killall -KILL licq


    $ killall -9 licq

Does that work?

    - richard

Richard Kilgore

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