For my business, (I make inlaid mosaic table tops) I do some layouts 
in gimp that are larger than the page my printer can handle. With 
windows based apps in the past, I've been able to force say, 
photoshop or autocad to print full scale resulting in the file being 
printed to 2 or 4 or more pages which I can then tape together for my 
full size layout. I have not been able to accomplish this in the 
gimp. The print command gives me sliders and dialog boxes that will 
not allow me to print at any scale that would not fit on a single 
page. Does anyone know of a way around this? From a search of 
gimp-user list archives, it doesn't look like this is possible but 
there was a suggestion to use OpenOffice. Some pointers or ideas 
would be appreciated.

Regards, Ernie
100% Microsoft and Intel free

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