I have two machines sitting on a private network. One is connected to the
internet, the other is not. There is no masq or NAT going on - the offline
box picks up ntp time from the internet box (relayed) and is used as a
dumb x terminal and for local working.

It does have gentoo on it, but obviously rather out of date as I don't
want to connect it to the net directly. It would be handy if it could use
emerge, but I am rather at a loss as to how to get rsync or file grabbing
working on it.

The internet connected box has sshd running as it's only network (lan and
wan) facing service, and I would rather not install squid etc. The
non-internet box can log into the internet box via ssh with no passwords
(public keys) but not the other way around. It's a moderately paranoid
setup ;o)

Any ideas as to how to get emerge working on this configuration?


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