
> I compiled my kernel (vanilla-sources) and everything is fine
> but when I reboot with my new kernel  I got :
> * Remounting root filesystem read/write...
> * Root filesystem could not be mounted R/W    [!!]
> /dev/hda4               /               reiserfs
> noatime,iocharset=utf8                  0 0

Okay, this may sound stupid, but I had the same problem with reiserfs on
root... it kept rejecting to mount / RW, with exactly the same errors as for
you, but I was able to mount the partition RW manualy from the console. I
figured out, that it failed to mount the part automaticaly (took me plenty
of reboots), because I had "notail" in the options for the partition. Even
"tail" didn't work, so I changed the options to "defaults" - surprise, it
worked. I don't know why it stopped working, neither do I know why my
solution works, but is does.

Hope this is of _any_ help :)

Greetings, Dennis

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