a handy trick when i don't know the case of the binary in question:

        # updatedb
        # locate -i bitchx

On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 14:24, Jarrod Alexander Roy wrote:
>     The BitchX executable has a capital "B". Try that. I got the same
> thing when I emerged it the first time.
> Jarrod
> On 10 Oct 2003, Jayson Garrell wrote:
> > This morning I needed to get some info from irc so I decided to fireup
> > bitchx. I cannot find it on my system. Portage thinks it is there...
> >
> > bash-2.05b# emerge search bitchx
> > Searching...
> > [ Results for search key : bitchx ]
> > [ Applications found : 1 ]
> >
> > *  net-irc/bitchx
> >       Latest version available: 1.0.19-r6
> >       Latest version installed: 1.0.19-r6
> >       Size of downloaded files: 2,474 kB
> >       Homepage:    http://www.bitchx.com/
> >       Description: An IRC Client
> >
> > I have looked every where, I even did a 'find / | grep bitchx'. Turned
> > up a bunch of files but no binary. I figured O'well I'll just re-emerge
> > it. I did and it compiled w/out errors but still not binary! Starting to
> > feel a little 'tarted this morning, had to drive to san jose last night
> > and didn't get home until 3am. So am I just missing something here, dain
> > bramage or what?
> >
> > Thanks in advance

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