On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 22:51, a park wrote:
> when i emerge a new kernel to compile, does the /etc/kernel/default-config 
> get replaced?

No, emerging kernel sources basically does the following:

1. unpacks the source tarball
2. applies any patches
3. runs 'make mrproper' 
4. runs 'make include/linux/version.h'
5. moves the resulting tree to /usr/src/linux-(kernel-version)

> when i genkernel --config does the /etc/kernel/default-config get 
> overwritten?

The updated configuration is stored in:

> does genkernel make use of make.conf when compiling kernels?

The only option in make.conf that is used is MAKEOPTS.

> when does the /usr/src/linux/.config get written to?

The .config file is written before the 'make oldconfig' step and then if
your using '--config' will be updated with your changes.

> i'm currently using the gentoo gaming-source, because my nforce2 board was 
> having problems with gentoo-source.  i just found out that the kernel did 
> not have usb printing enabled, so i'm interested in compiling a different 
> kernel possibly 2.4.22 (any thoughts on this and nforce2 mboard?)  i want to 
> preserve my config files for each of the kernels that i compile, just in 
> case i have to go back and recompile it...  any suggestions...

  I'm running the 2.4.22 aa-sources with an nforce2 chipset, and it has
been working well. Although, the machine isn't used for more than basic
desktop functions (email, web, xawtv, etc). The only issue I've ran into
is that the nforce-audio drivers didn't work, I had to use alsa.

If you use genkernel with the --config option the kernel configurations
will be saved as config-(kernel-version) so it will keep each
configuration separate. For example, the kernel for
gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r7 will be stored as config-2.4.20-gentoo-r7. If
you want to save more than one configuration per kernel version, the
easiest way is to use the 'Save Configuration to an Alternate File'
option during the menu configuration.


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