On Thu, 16 Oct 2003 13:39:39 +0200 (IST), Scharf Yuval wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Oct 2003, David Gethings wrote:
> > Secondly, downloading all the packages over a 56k modem is a
> > non-starter. Espcially as I only have one phone line and a chatty
> > wife.;). Is there a tool I could use to download the packages listed
> > by'emerge -uDp world' onto my Debian box at work.
> >
> > If so I could then burn these packages to a CD and then install from
> > the CD.
> "emerge -uDpf" will give you the list of files needed by "emerge -uDp"

Pipe the output of this into a file and feed that file to the attached
Ruby script, like this: $ ruby fetch.rb <file>

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

File.open(ARGV[0], 'r') { |f|
  while s = f.gets
    list = s.split
    list.each { |i|
      break if system('wget', '-c --passive-ftp', i)
      puts '!!! failed !!! ' + i
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