yeah, I thought there might be some kind of vendor doing it. I just don't think there 
are any 'linux' utils native that do it.. 

I don't know anything above X in linux as I have yet to venture that way besides a few 
times I have grown balls enough to install x here and there. so someone else will have 
to help you onthe mozilla thing..

if you have progs on home, you should really be doing a tar -cvf (-j/z) every night on 
it.. I can't tell you home many times I have restored a prog just because I try to 
make a big change and realize I got over my head with an idea of mine and needed a 
backup of it.. OR simply just got to crazy with the rm command that day for some 
stupid reason. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: R'twick Niceorgaw
> Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 1:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] OT recover disk after mke2fs -j ?
> Hi Jeffrey,
> thanks for the reply.
> Jeffrey Smelser said the following on 10/17/2003 2:20 PM>>
> > you might get a few utilities, but I did that not to long 
> ago, and it was just faster to use my backup and restore it, 
> only took about 5-10 mins to get home back since I back the 
> entire thing up..
> > 
> > Btw, I don't think there are any 'linux' utilities for 
> this, you might get some software vender type stuff though. 
> > 
> > I take it you don't do backups? shame shame.. ;)
> > 
> > 
> right I didn't take any backups before. I usually keep my 
> home partition 
>   in sync on my laptop as well as desktop.. however, last 
> week I had to 
> format my laptop to install windows as my job required me to have a 
> windows box :(
> I did bought a new disk to use it as a permanent backup drive and was 
> going to format it .. but instead of formatting it, I 
> formatted the home 
> dir. Don't know what I was thinking at that time. may be 
> because its a 
> friday and my brain stopped working.
> I found somethig called R-linux from but 
> not sure if 
> it will work. I'll try to use it and see if I can get anything.
> luckily enough though all my mails are saved on my work 
> computer(windows) in mozilla thunderbird. Hopefully, I can 
> import them 
> to linux mozilla?
> apart from the mails, there's not many important stuff lost, 
> just some 
> programs I worte and so I think I can write them again though it will 
> take some time.
> R'twick
> --
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