On Saturday 18 October 2003 19:28, Spider wrote:
> begin  quote
> On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 00:49:28 -0500
> Andrew Gaffney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 'emerge -uf mozilla' gives me this. I've gotten this twice. Why are
> > the source tarballs
> > from mozilla.org and oregonstate.edu different sizes and which one is
> > the correct one for
> > the ebuild?
> This is an error that just happens sometimes, thats why we do md5sum
> checking (you'd be even more confused if it broke halfway through
> compiles because half the source was missing, aye?)
> The one on mozilla.org is the correct one, and can be downloaded
> manually.  Just -DONT- -EVER-  manually mess with the md5sum of a file,
> since that is bound to give you a -Bad- case of problems.
> (for all you armchair devs out there. There are cases where doing so
> might have been the right thing. Don't do it anyhow.)

Armchair dev here ;-)

If the md5sum shows up as wrong would the following procedure be safe?
1) Check if the file downloaded was taken directly from the site that hosts 
the project.
2) If it was then assume the md5sum in portage is wrong and create a new 
3) Find a file with matching filename on the site that hosts the project.
4) If the md5sum matches that file, use it to continue the emerge.
5) If the md5sum of that file matches the md5sum of the file downloaded from 
the mirrors, assume the md5sum in the portage tree is wrong and create a new 
6) All other cases, seek assistance/confirmation.

I've never been one to just accept a statement like "don't do it anyhow". 
Actually, I've never been one to 'just' accept anything. ;-)


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