Dhruba Bandopadhyay wrote:

I think my filesystem/data is corrupted due to hangs and hard reset.  I
did a `reiserfsck --help` and tried a few options but it didn't work
saying that the partition was mounted read/write so cannot perform option.

My question is how can I recover with reiser without (1) reinstalling (2)
formatting the partition?

Much appreciated.

There is no way to repair a reiserfs filesystem while mounted. You can check the filesystem while the fs is mounted read only, but not repair it.

Your best bet would be to boot off a Gentoo LiveCD or a Knoppix CD and run reiserfsck on the unmounted partition(s).

After running:

# reiserfsck /dev/whatever"

you will be told of the best way to proceed. Some corruptions can be fixed with:

# reiserfsck --fix-fixable /dev/whatever

Otherwise you will need to run (if it said so):

# reiserfsck --rebuild-tree /dev/whatever

A rebuild tree can sometimes take a very long time, depending on the size of the filesystem and the number/size of files (eg a 20GB fs, with approx 2GB used took about 10-20 minutes to rebuild on a machine I had to try to ressurect some time ago). Just make sure the rebuild is not interuppted as you will most likely end up with a completely borked fs.

If the corruption is caused by bad blocks on the drive you should grab hold of dd_rescue as quick as possible to make a snapshot of the drive and get a new one.

Andrew Heberle

The goys have proven the following theorem...
                -- Physicist John von Neumann, at the start of a classroom

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