On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 19:05, Rumen Yotov wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just used a 'dep-clean' command and here is the output:
> Cut---------
> #dep-clean
> sort: open failed: uniq: No such file or directory

To fix this take a look at: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30248

> Calculating dependencies   
> !!! all ebuilds that could satisfy "=net-libs/libnet-1.0.2a-r3" have been masked.
> !!! Error calculating dependencies. Please correct.
> End---------
> It seems that I need to unmask it or other. Also how to unmask something.

libnet-1.0.2.a-r3 is in "~x86". I would guess that you installed
something from "~x86", but aren't using ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" in
make.conf. For dep-clean to run properly, you'll have to set
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS in make.conf to "~x86" before you run it. If you don't
want to change ACCEPT_KEYWORDS each time you run dep-clean, you could
use the -I option to interactively remove the packages that are in


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