
I've done everything you told, but when I want to connect from a remote machine I've got this message:

cvs [login aborted]: recv() from server mymachine: Connection reset by peer


From: "Dennis Freise" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] CVS server
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 15:53:54 +0200

> Hello,


> I would like to install a CVS server one my gentoo machine, wich package
> should I take and how do I start the service ?

First, you need inetd or xinetd. I will take xinetd for this example.
Edit /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver and change "disable = yes" to "disable = no"
and add "only_from =" to the options. Change that according
to the net you would like to allow access to your cvs-server from.
Then '/etc/init.d/xinetd restart' the server :)

# emerge cvs
That installs everthing you need for a pserver.

Create your cvsroot in /home/cvsroot:

# cvs -d /home/cvsroot init
# cd ~
# cvs -d /home/cvsroot checkout CVSROOT

Edit the checked-out files in your homedir, then:

# cd ~/CVSROOT
# cvs -d /home/cvsroot commit

You can now safely delete your copy of CVSROOT in your home-directory.

HTH, Dennis

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