On Wed, 2003-10-22 at 19:24, Jordan Elver wrote:
> Yeah, sorry I did mean 4.3.0-r3. I know that I have issued the opengl-update 
> ati command before to get the card working. But, what exactly does it do?

Changes the symlinks for GL libraries between xfree's, ati's, nvidia's,

> > Also, run 'quickpkg xfree' before upgrading to save a package of
> > 4.3.0-r2. You can remerge that with emerge =xfree-4.3.0-r2 if you have
> > major problems.
> Thanks. So, that basically packages up what's already installed so that I can 
> easily re-merge it in the future to save re-compiling the earlier version. Is 
> that correct?


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