On Oct 23, 2003, at 11:58 am, Mystilleef wrote:

I understand you can add 'prelink' to your /etc/make.conf file such that
when new packages are merged, they are automatically prelinked.

My question is where exactly do I add this prelink option in
/etc/make.conf? Do I add it to the USE flags, or the feature flags? What
exactly do I need to do. Your suggestions are appreciated.

It's the "pic" USE flag.

The documentation is at <http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/prelink-howto.xml>, but I'm finding it a bit unclear.

I _think_ the best thing to do is enable the USE flag & then:
  $ emerge binutils gcc glibc
  $ prelink -afmR
Try re-emerging any packages which fail to prelink.
  $ emerge zlib tcp-wrappers
  $ prelink -afmR
Re-emerg any packages which fail to prelink.

Good luck - please post back here & let us know how you get along.


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