Matthias F. Brandstetter wrote:

Hi all,

I have a really strange problem. Maybe I don't get it, I don't know. Please help, I have no ideas left :(

Ok, problem follows:
I have two users, "www-data" and "hfazekas". Then I have a group called "wende", the user "www-data" is in this group:

$ grep "wende" /etc/group

Then I have a file called "test", owned by U "hfazekas", G "wende":

$ ls -l test
-rwxr-x---    1 hfazekas wende           0 Oct 23 20:31 test

Following this permissions, all useres from group "wende" have read and execute permission to this file "test", right?

BUT: Even as user "www-data" (who is - as said - in group "wende"!) I can't read this file test:

$ less test
test: Permission denied

What is wrong here? I can't setup my apache webserver (who is running as "www-data") and I am totally lost with this :(

Maybe it's because the file is owned by Harry Potter :-) (for those who don't speak hungarian fazekas = potter). Are you not playing in chrooted environment (jail) ? Did you relogin user hfazekas after adding him to group wende? Try set group command "sg wende".


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