Hello, I've got a gentoo server, and I want to run Apache with SSL
 and PHP on it.

I've put:
emerge apache mod_ssl mod_php mod_perl
ebuild (something)/mod_php(something) ebuild

 Everything compiled succesfully, but when I started
apachectl start
 it said:
 [...] mod_php: OpenSSL_start_all_algorhitms - no command found
  in libssl.0.9.6.so [...] something like that...

  Then I emerge -f the source of apache and all modules, but it isnt
compiled on php even without perl.
  I've been tried to compile apache with compiled in mod_ssl and
mod_php added as a module, but now it don;'t recognize "LoadModule"
httpd.conf option. What should I do? Should I try to compile only
apache and add the rest as a modules? How to force gentoo to do this

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