---------- quoting Paulo Jorge de Oliveira Cantante de Matos ----------
> I've been able to do a backup but I was not able to automate the
> process. The problem is I do not always have the laptop connected to the
> server. So the server should check first if the laptop is connected. Or
> maybe, the laptop should be the one issuing the backup. Anyway, what
> should I had to the cron? I'm using vcron but I've never dealt with
> vcron since I don't need it. But now I do. Can you please tell me what
> you have in your cron? Oh, and I've not been able to configure ssh not
> to ask for a password. I have to insert it always to backup anything.

Ok, here is a mini-howto for enabling PubkeyAuthentication (under OpenSSH).
First, uncomment these lines in your /etc/ssh/ssd_config:

RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile      .ssh/authorized_keys

Then, of course, restart your SSH server.

Let's assume you start the backup from the laptop as root, then you have to 
create your laptop's RSA key with this command:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

Just press enter when the programm ask you something. Now, you have your 
keys under your user's ~/.ssh, in our example /root/.ssh:


Now, copy this id_rsa.pub from your laptop to the server's backup user's 
(root) .ssh dir (but as a file called "authorized_keys"):

$ scp /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@<server>:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys

(ATTENTION: Look if you allready have such a authorized_keys file there. In 
this case you have to >> the content of id_rsa.pub into this file)

After that, you should be able to login from your laptop to your server w/o 
giving your password.

You can now start your backup on your laptop with

$ rdiff-backup /local/dir/to/backup <server>::/remote/dir/to/store/data

I suggest you visit

$ man rdiff-backup

for more options and

$ man cron

for help with cron usage.

HTH! Greetings, Matthias

Read your town charter, boy.  `If food stuffs should touch the ground,
said food stuffs shall be turned over to the village idiot.'  Since I
don't see him around, start shoveling!

                -- Homer Simpson
                   Lisa's Rival

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