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On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 12:14:51 +0200
Rodney Arne Karlsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all
> I have been looking at a few docs on prelink in the last few days and 
> have a question or 2 for you.
>  From what I have read, prelinking speeds up the start up of 
> aplications. Does prelinking speed up the rest of the app after
> startup?

Nope.  Only at program loading / (perhaps at fork())  time.

> I have a Pentium 100 server here that handles my mail, mysql, apache2,
> firewall, nat, etc. Basicly a small internet gatway so my family can
> use  my internet connection. Would prelinking improve the performance
> of this  machine or would it just speed up the bootup time?

Not nececarily the bootup time, but think that many programs act by
starting up a copy of itself by using a "master" daemon, postfix, imap,
apache and all such. Theese applications would probably gain some.  


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