On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 06:35:32 -0500 Eric Tichansky
| To my understanding GCC 3.3.2 (20031022) *should* support sparc64
| kernel builds.  I've browsed dozens of mail threads (mainly Debian)
| for more information, but have not been able to extract relevant
| information based on my specific problem (outlined below).

It can be done. I have a u10 running a 2.6 kernel.


The gcc you get with sparc64 isn't 64bit capable. There are a few
unofficial ebuilds available for a 64bit gcc3.2 (3.3 seems to be less
stable on sparc64) which are available from the forums or on irc
(#gentoo-sparc on freenode). One of these will make it into portage at
some point, but there are a whole heap of issues that need to be sorted
out first.

You'll also have a hard time getting a working kernel config. The best
place to start for that is http://emu.gentoo.org/~bazik , where you can
grab a config for a SCSI-based u5.

After that you'll need to do a few PATH hacks to get it to work. Make
sure that for the kernel your /usr/sparc64/bin or /opt/sparc64/bin
(depending upon which ebuilds you use) comes first.

Oh, and did I mention that USB keyboards don't seem to work and that
you'll have to do some patching to XFree as well?

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail:       ciaranm at firedrop.org.uk
Web:        www.firedrop.org.uk
System:     Gentoo Base System version Linux 2.4.20-gentoo-r7

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