On Friday 31 October 2003 22:05, Matthew Coulson wrote:
> I'm stuck with a bit of a problem, I'm using a kernel built with
> gentoo-sources 2.4.20r6, with matroxfb, videomode selection support, and
> G400 support compiled in. I need to be able to specify the following upon
> boot (its for an arcade monitor):
> mode "384x288-51"
>       # D: 8.190 MHz, H: 15.750 kHz, V: 51.136 Hz
>       geometry 384 288 384 576 32
>       timings 122100 56 40 15 2 40 3
>       accel true
>       rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,8/24
> endmode
> This mode does work, if I set it from the command line:
> fbset -xres 384 -yres 288 -depth 32 -t 122100
> But when I append it to the kernel options at boot:
> kernel (hd0,0)/boot/kernel-2.4.20-gentoo-r6 root=/dev/hda3
> video=matroxfb:xres:384,yres:288,pixclock:122100,depth:32
> (all one line in grub.conf)
> The kernel appears to completely ignore my setting, and goes to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> regardless. Of course I could munge the startup scripts and add a line to
> set the framebuffer somewhere, but I want to be able to have the bootlogo
> if possible!
> As I type this I'm emerging 2.4.20r8, but it SHOULD work in what I have
> currently. Is there anything I need to check and add/remove to get it
> working?

Pure hear-say, but I believe that the "out-of-the-box" kernel doesn't support 
setting the refresh rate at boot time. All I know is that in one of the 
love-sources threads on the forums, a person asked about including a patch to 
have refresh rate selection supported - BUT the selection would be hard coded 
in the kernel.

Check the forums for more information and try googling around for the patch 
I'm talking about - or possibly a better one!


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