On Sat, Nov 01, 2003 at 10:16:43AM -0500, Bruce E. Harris wrote:
> I dont know how it happen, but when I use KDM or GDM and launch KDE, the 
> correct desktop starts then switchs over the Gnome, losing all the configs I 
> had under KDE.
> I have rebooted several times, and no luck. How can fi fixt this?

Muhahahahah!  Prepare to welcome your new gnome masters!  Gnome is
taking over the world!!!! Muauhahahahahahahahahhahahaha *deep breath*

Actually, there are a couple of things to try.  Try exiting and stopping
xdm or kdm and run 'startkde' from the comand line.  If that works, it's
a kdm/gdm issue.  If the same thing happens check your .xinitrc and
.xsession files to see if you have something like 'exec gnome-panel' or
something like that in there, which is executing when your X starts up.
The other thing would be to check your session files in KDE... maybe you
have somehow gotten something in gnome to exec as part of a saved

Last but not least, try moving your .kde directory to somewhere else and
start KDE with no user settings and see if it still happens.  It
shouldn't, and you should get the KDE first time menu and be able to
reset things from there.  Unfortunately I'm not all that well versed in
KDE startup and session stuff :(


Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://arcterex.net
"There are only 3 real sports: bull-fighting, car racing and mountain 
climbing. All the others are mere games."                -- Hemingway

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