On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 12:40, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> Thanks for all the help.  I'll just have to do some more checking and then 
> post some on the ardour user's list.
> I don't think it's a jack issue either.  It works for you and when it works 
> for me ardour won't run.    Jack started, then gave me a serious of load % 
> and some information every so many seconds until I killed it.
> My Gentoo ebuild for cvs put every in /usr/share/ardour! 
> I'll play with it some more.  Ardour is way overkill for what I want to do 
> but I'd like to see it work.
> Thanks again for all the help.

Hey, I'm really happy to help. I managed to get my Linux testing duties
for a new app out of the way pretty quickly today, so I'm back working
in Windows with an equivalent of Ardour, but far more features. (The
main one being real MIDI support...)

Anyway, I wonder if I've run into some of your problems? I was using
qjackctl version 0.0.8, so I decided to upgrade to 0.1.1a which is the
latest tarball. It built, and starts, but then gives me two strange
messages about not being able to connect to Jack. Sounds similar to your

My version of Jack installed right now is 0.80. I have a feeling that
part of the problem may be that there are updates to Jack that I'm not
running, and which may be required. Jack has been updated to have the
transport of one program (transport == start, stop, pause, rewind, time
display) control many programs, so that you can tell Ardour to record
and it will start some other app, like alsaplayer rolling so you have
audio. I know this new version of qjackctl supports it, and I think
Ardour does, but I'm pretty sure the 0.80 version f Jack doesn't, or not

Anyway, I can no longer run qjackctl, so I want to fix this. If I find
and answer I'll post it back.

BTW - lots of people do very good quality recording with both Audacity
and ReZound, so don't think you're stepping down by using them. I use
them for simple recording jobs all the time.


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