On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 05:02:54AM +0300, Makurin Roman wrote:
: After emerge gift-*, I set up gift with gift-setup. But I`ve got the
: same error every time when try to execute giftd -d.
: *** ERROR: Your setup is incomplete ***
: You will need to run gift-setup and be sure that you read absolutely
: every configuration option (no, really).  Some default configuration
: values are considered illegal, and will raise this error message.  If
: you
: suspect that you have configured giFT properly, consult the conf files
: in
: /home/drolyk/.giFT/ for diagnostic purposes.
: If you are still having problems you should consult the QUICKSTART guide
: available from the standard giFT distribution.
: How can I solve this trouble ?
: -- 
: Makurin Roman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: lostFPRL

: # $Id: giftd.conf.template,v 1.1 2003/07/21 22:29:40 jasta Exp $
: ###############################################################################
: ###############################################################################
: # MAIN
: [main]
: #
: # Boolean determining whether or not this file has been reviewed and is
: # complete.  giFT will fail to start unless this is non-zero.  This is done
: # so that we can make sure you, at the very least, read through this file.
: #
: # Default: 0
: #
: setup = 0

This option here needs to be changed to 1 (setup = 1). For some reason the setup
doesn't change this value for you.

Jono Blashki

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