
I recently read on slashdot about a great little program that emulates
certain windows wireless network card drivers, called driverloader (see
www.linuxant.com). I was especially glad to hear about this because it
supports my Intel Centrino PRO/Wireless mini-pci card (for which there
are currently no real linux drivers, at least not to my knowledge).

Anway, I got driverloader working, and things seem to be working on some
level. I got eth1 to run and it's even correctly connecting to my
wireless network. I disconnected by ethernet cable, stopped eth0, and
then fired up MozillaFirebird. To my delight, everything seemed to be
working great!

But then I fired up evolution, and it was unable to resolve the address
of my pop email server. I thought, what the heck? So I went to my
command line and tried to ping the address. Ping returned nothing. So I
tried www.yahoo.com. Still nothing. It seems that the only program that
can actually resolve host names is MozillaFirebird, and nothing else.

Any ideas why this may be? Is there something I need to do to get eth1
setup right? Here's what I did:

1 ln -s /etc/init.d/net.eth0 /etc/init.d/net.eth1

2 rc-update add net.eth1 default

3 edited /etc/conf.d/net to include the line:

4 /etc/init.d/net.eth1 start

And it started up with no errors.

5 /etc/init.d/net.eth0 stop

But like I said, only MozillaFirebird seems to be able to establish any
kind of connection. It may likely be a problem with driverloader, and if
it is, then I'll try out their user list, but I'm still not very
familiar with gentoo, and I just wondered if there's a step I missed in
configuring eth1 to work right. Do I need to somehow "tell" all my
programs that they need to use eth1 instead of eth0? Any ideas?


Eric Heller.

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