On Wed, 05 Nov 2003 15:09:49 +0100
Redeeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> after upgrade of apache i had problems too, the documentroot simply HAVE
> to be in /var/www, i have excatly the same files, exactly same
> permissions/owner in both dir, when i use /var/www it works, /home/httpd
> it doesent, really weird

Change all references to '/home/httpd' in
/etc/apache2/conf/commonapache2.conf to '/var/www'. Then it'll work :)
You should try to get your docroot beneath /var/www, because that's
becoming something like a standard location and will be heavily refered
to by the new virtualhost stuff coming up :)

See http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/glep/glep-0011.html for more infos.

Greetings, Dennis

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