G'day there Gentoo List Members,

        I originally wrote a query in this message inquiring into non-root access, but 
before sending it I found the answer in the forums. I've now fixed that problem 
(thanks very much to the Gentoo community), but I still have one to go and I'm 

        My fstab file is thus:

# <fs>                  <mountpoint>    <type>          <opts>                  

# NOTE: If your BOOT partition is ReiserFS, add the notail option to opts.
/dev/hdb5               /boot           ext3            noauto,noatime          1 1
/dev/hdb7               /               ext3            noatime                 0 0
/dev/hdb6               none            swap            sw                      0 0
/dev/hdb8               /usr            ext3            noatime                 0 0
/dev/cdroms/cdrom0      /mnt/cdrom_0    iso9660         users,noauto,ro         0 0
/dev/cdroms/cdrom1      /mnt/cdrom_1    iso9660         users,noauto,rw         0 0

/dev/hd0                /mnt/floppy     vfat            users,rw,noauto         0 0
/dev/hda1               /mnt/c_drive    ntfs            users,ro,auto           0 0
/dev/hda2               /mnt/d_drive    umsdos                                  0 0
/dev/hdb2               /mnt/e_drive    vfat            users,rw,auto           0 0
/dev/hdb3               /mnt/f_drive    ufs             ufstype=old             0 0
/dev/hdb4               /mnt/g_drive    vfat            users,rw,auto           0 0

        or at least, these are the bits I've put in there.

        Can anyone please give me some advice as to how to read FreeBSD partitions 
under Linux? I've tried various options for the ufstype as outlined in the manpages 
for mount & fstab, but without success. /dev/hdb3 is a 20gig partition on which I've 
installed a FreeBSD filesystem with the usual subpartitions as set up by the 'auto' 
function in their version of fdisk. I'd like to have lilo offer it on bootup along 
with Gentoo & Win_XP, but I can't seem to get Gentoo Linux to recognise what's there. 
I've never tried to fiddle with BSD before, so I'm sure that the install is OK, but 
I've got something wrong here. Any ideas as to what I've done wrong?

        I should add that /dev/hdb3 is, I think, an extended partition with hdb10, 
hdb11, hdb12, and hdb13 inside it.

See ya & thanks
Ken McLennan
Brisbane, Australia.

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