Luke Davison wrote:
On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 15:47, Andrew Gaffney wrote:

I've seen a thread or 2 here before about this, but I can't

seem to find them. I use ssh

to login to a few different hosts on a regular basis. I

want to set it up so I don't have

to enter my password. How do I do this?

On each host, as what ever user you are going to be using, do the following.

1) ssh-keygen -t rsa
(hit enter when asked for a password)

Now add the content of your ~/.ssh/id_rsa file to the
~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on each host you are logging into. If the
authorized_keys file is not there create it.

You will actually want to add ~/.ssh/ to your
~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, not ~/.ssh/id_rsa, and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
should also have perms of 600:

$ cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

The ~/.ssh/id_rsa is your key, which needs to be present on the system you
are logging in from. NEVER give this out, as whomever has it can login to
your system.

Some other things to mention are make sure in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
you have the following specified:

RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes

This worked. Thanks.

Andrew Gaffney

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