On Sat, 2003-11-08 at 14:16, Matthias F. Brandstetter wrote:
> ---------- quoting Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC ----------
> > >> On debian it is in /etc/network/interfaces
> > >> on FreeBSD it is in /etc/rc.conf
> > >>
> > >> What about gentoo?
> > >
> > > /etc/conf.d/net
> That's one of the few things I don't like in the Linux world, every distro 
> puts it's config stuff into different files, network configuration is a 
> good example.
> Sure, someone could say: "and, why not?"
> Agreed, but I think it would be great if all (I know, _all_ is impossible) 
> distros would put at least some basic config into same files under same 
> location.
> I would say I know how to handle Linux for most of the time, but when I 
> have to work on a machine with an "other" distro, I have to spend time to 
> search for some config files, that's odd :(

Yeah, I ran into this a few days ago when I wanted to change eth0 from
DHCP to a private/static IP. Having used Debian for a couple of years, I
wasn't sure if the format and location of the ethX config files they
used was "standard" or not. In fact, I still don't know... Debian puts
the info in /etc/network/interfaces. The format is rather simple and
looks like this:

# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

# The loopback interface
# automatically added when upgrading
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian 
# installation
# (network, broadcast and gateway are optional)
# automatically added when upgrading
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


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