On Sun, 09 Nov 2003 10:41:30 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] muttered:
> Hello.
> What command(s) should I use in order to
> add a new user to my system (from a bash
> script) and specify a default (not null)
> password for this user?
> I see that the command "useradd" does have
> the "-p passwd" option, but the "passwd"
> should be encrypted, as returned by crypt(3).
> Then how can I obtain the encrypted password?
> Any clues?

Two possible solutions:

1.      don't set a password with useradd; just run passwd after adding the
2.      set the password for one user, read the crypted password out of
        /etc/shadow (as root), then use that as input to useradd -p
3.      python script below (call it anything _except_ crypt)

import crypt, getpass
hash = crypt.crypt(getpass.default_getpass(), "xy") # << salt
print "Hash:", hash

Andrew Farmer

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