
Here is my working configuration in grub.conf to boot XP :

title=Windows XP
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader  +1

Hope this helps.


David a écrit :

Hello Gentooers,

(Hopefully I am providing enough info, but if not let me know)

I just atempted my first stage 3 gentoo install this weekend, and was partially successful. I had windows and redhat dual booting, and I decided to give gentoo a try so I went ahead and overwrote my redhat partitions with gentoo ones. so right now I have the following:

/dev/hda1 windows XP
/dev/hda2 gentoo boot
/dev/hda3 gentoo swap
/dev/hda4 gentoo root

I setup my grub to boot to either XP or gentoo as follows:

grub> root(hd0,1)
grub> setup (hd0)

and my grub.conf file is (basically) the same as on the install doc, the only thing that I changed was where the partitions pointed etc.

My windows entry is root(0,0)
chainloader (0,0)+1

When I choose to boot to XP however, I get bounced tight back to the grub loader screen.

Does this config look right?

Also when I boot into gentoo, I tons of messages kinda like this: "Cannot load module <blah> which is needed for <blah>

For what it is worth I am using gentoo-sources kernel on a 386 laptop

If anyone could help me I would be forever greatful!!

Thanks fellow Gentooers!,


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